Who We Are
Welcome to Avonhead Baptist Church
Those three words, Avonhead Baptist Church, contain quite a bit of information:
Firstly, we are a local church, based in Avonhead, Christchurch.
Secondly, we are a Baptist Church. This means that we are part of approximately 240 other churches within New Zealand that relate to one another around common values, which you will find here on the Baptist Union of New Zealand's website.
Thirdly, we are a Christian church. As Christians we follow Jesus Christ the son of God, who came and revealed God to us. Further information on what this means and how to become a Christian can be found here on the Baptist Union website.
Our mission is to “Disciple the Nations across the Ages.” At its heart, this simply means that we want to
help people know Jesus, regardless of their age or nationality. Further, as a church congregation, we strive
to be inter-generational and multi-ethnic. If you want to find out more please don't hesitate visit us.
As we gather to worship God, we do so based on four core values:
We worship an awesome God.
We seek to be Christ-centered in all we do.
We welcome God’s Spirit to create belonging.
We partner with God in his restoration of all people and creation.
Our Mission
"Discipling the Nations Across the Ages"
Our mission is based on the great commission, which can be found in Matthew 28:16-20. As a church, we endeavor to bring people of all ages and nationalities closer to the love of Jesus.
Our Vision
"Following Jesus we shall live for people not yet in the Kingdom and shoulder our responsibility to disciple increasing numbers of new believers. We will allow him to make us spiritually healthy, empowered by His Spirit and resourceful, able to care for those he brings to us."
We will achieve our vision by, with courage, building church in the pattern of Acts 2:42-47.
Raising devotion to the Word of God to stimulate the spread of God's word.
Encouraging table fellowship in church, home and café; to build joyful Christ-centered relationships.
Moving beyond friendliness to sharing life together in a community of evident sacrificial love, releasing untapped potential of young & old, migrant & born kiwi.
Overflowing His love to our community, our homes, our workplaces and the world.
Praying, in all things at all times, seeking the power of God for healing and witness for the growth of His kingdom in Avonhead and the world.
Testifying to His wonders and miraculous signs, and the Good News of Jesus.
Becoming a people filled with awe of God, praising God from a deep sense of wonder.
Receiving and discipling those whom the Lord is saving and brings among us.